LordAsh Photography- Located in Woodland Hills, CA

Friday, May 13, 2011

Studabakers, corvettes, and holey vans

Today is lovely partly cloudy late 70 degree day in sunny Los angeles. I walked down some flowering neighborhood street nestled off of the gritty streets of Sunset. I went to the model's house. Waited outside. Realized that I couldn't really remember what he looked like. I've been talking to two diff models that kind of look like each other, and I couldn't remember which face he belonged to. I know that is awful of me, but yesterday at work was crazy stressful and I woke up this morning feeling like I was being repeatly hit by a mack truck.

So I was invited inside his home, one of those older houses that always look cool yet homey. I looked through his clothes and picked out the wardrobe I liked. I always find it so weird when they show me all of these clothing options and I have to pick out what I like. I am basically being a stylist w/o any of the skills to actually style.

So the model got dressed. Yes in front of me. They almost always do. It's sometimes awkward when you are first meeting the person. You are like hello nice to meet you and 5 mins later the person is taking off his (or her) shirt and pants. It's kind of crazy.

We walked up and down the streets, trying to find random walls of building and old cars to photograph in front of. WE also saw a cement making factory, right in the middle of this busy city area. It's so weird! The model was really cool. He was very laid back and likes to be funny. I think we got some "model" like photos, but some kooky funny ones too.

I managed to not step in dog poop so I guess that is always a good sign. I thougth I would finally write about a shoot. Let you guys see some of what I have to do. I hope everyone has a lovely Friday the 13th!

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