LordAsh Photography- Located in Woodland Hills, CA

Friday, December 30, 2011

New year's eve

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. This year has been full of lots of ups and downs. But it was good, even the downs b/c I've been trying to learn from them and to do better next time. I'm going to end 2011 with a bang. How you ask? Well, I am going to do 3 photoshoots tomorrow. Yes you heard me right 3. I've never done that many in one day and I'm sure I'm going to be exhausted by 5 tomorrow but it'll be worth it. All of these shoots means that new photos will be available for your viewing pleasure soon!

Happy New Year to all of you!

Monday, December 19, 2011


My friend messaged me and was like , Ashley, I wanna shoot. So the next weekend, in the mist of cloudy coldness, we did a little photoshoot. It's amazing how much better a person gets the 2nd time around, even if that 2nd time is 1 1/2 later. Here are a few of the shots from that cold day.

It's holiday time and to get into the cheer I thought I'd do a little giveaway. So anyone who comments on my fb page during the next two days will automatically be entered into the drawing. This is my way of spreading a little holiday cheer. =)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coeus Magazine

I am published in Coeus Magazine. I did a shoot with Robyn of the LA band BeverlyKills. Check out my photos and the band. issuu.com/coeusmagazine/docs/coeusdeconline2011

This is a sneak peak. The full spread will be the January 2012 issue.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Little update

Life has been crazy. I haven't had time to catch up with my editing at all. It's the holiday season which means on top of all the normal work I do, I have been trying to secure gifts for my clients at work. I have totally thrown myself into that project which has been both a blessing and a curse. But much more of a blessing. I have been really lucky and have met some truely amazing people. I have also been Holiday partying it up all weekend. Haha. I will put updates soon I promise. Until then, I hope you all are having a very wondeful holiday season. Eat a cupcake or two for me. =)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


His Fall/Winter 2011 shoot. Sometimes you have to close your eyes and hope really hard that it's actually cold here. At least during the day. At night the cold creeps in and leaves you shivering. We had to pretend this day.