LordAsh Photography- Located in Woodland Hills, CA

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Relaxed and Natural Series #1


Why'd you have to be so god damned scary?

How did you spend your Doomsday? Were you worried about the rapture? Or did you use it as an excuse to party? I spent my last hours on Earth taking photos of the group of boys I call "the other jonas brothers." Mostly b/c the style they choose to shoot in reminds me of the Jo-bros. Oh and because there are 3 of them. We walked around Pasadena. We seems to be our calling spot. Taking phots in parking garages mostly.

It was like I had this idea wanted to try out on them. But when the shoot happened, it couldn't formulate the idea. It was like this little fleeting thought that flew away and didn't come back.

I spent my Doomsday night at the Roxy. Taking photos of fabulous and not so fabulous bands. During the first band, Queen Caveat, security pulled me aside. I was like oh F*** now what. Well, I wasn't supposed to shoot w/o permission. I don't know if the venue changed it's rules or if I've just gotten away with it before, but I had to go talk to like 3 different people, and finally, I got permission. It's funny. I don't really see myself as a professional photographer. Mostly b/c I rarely get paid. I do feel much more confident about my photos than I used to. I know I take decent pictures. But I get treated like a professional when I'm out in public. I guess if I get treated like a professional maybe it's only a matter of time before I truely am a profession.

Here's a little present to dance along the day doomsday:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Evil seaweed

Overcast, kind of breezy, but not really cold-that's what I call perfect shooting weather. The sun always makes things complicated. It causes shadows, makes people squint. You should think, overcast, kind of cool, that people wouldn't be on the beach. Yeah, so not the case. Today was relaxed and natural shoot number 2. Today's shoot felt harder than yesterday's. I don't know why. I know I got some usable photos. Maybe it was all the walking in the sand or the fact that I'm not sleeping well.

My shoot today consisted of:

Sand in my shoes
Screaming after stepping on old seaweed covered in flies
Shooting on swings
Watching people climb ropes
and swing and flip
thinking wow I wish I could do that
Walking under the pier
Hearing the sweaks of the roller coaster
Hoping the wood is strong enough
Meet the model's friend who is traveling on his motocycle
Wishing I was going someplace interesting
Shooting in a back alley
Managing to not buy anything at urban or forever
Spending time with fellow Texans from SA

Friday, May 13, 2011

Studabakers, corvettes, and holey vans

Today is lovely partly cloudy late 70 degree day in sunny Los angeles. I walked down some flowering neighborhood street nestled off of the gritty streets of Sunset. I went to the model's house. Waited outside. Realized that I couldn't really remember what he looked like. I've been talking to two diff models that kind of look like each other, and I couldn't remember which face he belonged to. I know that is awful of me, but yesterday at work was crazy stressful and I woke up this morning feeling like I was being repeatly hit by a mack truck.

So I was invited inside his home, one of those older houses that always look cool yet homey. I looked through his clothes and picked out the wardrobe I liked. I always find it so weird when they show me all of these clothing options and I have to pick out what I like. I am basically being a stylist w/o any of the skills to actually style.

So the model got dressed. Yes in front of me. They almost always do. It's sometimes awkward when you are first meeting the person. You are like hello nice to meet you and 5 mins later the person is taking off his (or her) shirt and pants. It's kind of crazy.

We walked up and down the streets, trying to find random walls of building and old cars to photograph in front of. WE also saw a cement making factory, right in the middle of this busy city area. It's so weird! The model was really cool. He was very laid back and likes to be funny. I think we got some "model" like photos, but some kooky funny ones too.

I managed to not step in dog poop so I guess that is always a good sign. I thougth I would finally write about a shoot. Let you guys see some of what I have to do. I hope everyone has a lovely Friday the 13th!

Hard work

When I started this blog, the whole point was to tell stories about my shoots. It had seemed like funny things were always happening. I was getting kicked out of places or I was told these funny stories. I don't know how I well I have been keeping my part on this blog. I post photos. But the stories are rarely there. I'm sorry about that. I hope to do better with that. I have decided to stop talking about taking the next step, ie. submitting photos to magazines, and to actually do it. I feel like I need to re-read how to do all of that. But I've already submitted to two mags. We'll see if this is fruitless or fruitful.

I have a shoot today. I'm excited. I don't like going too long without shooting. It's the first "official" shoot of my series. I will meander my way over to West Hollywood and meet this dude at his house. Yeah I know. I shouldn't be meeting people at their homes. But I actually do that more than people know. If I get kidnapped at least I died doing what I love right? =)

Friday, May 6, 2011

On the outside looking in

It's hard when you are on the outside looking in. When you feel like you are always on the outside looking in. You forget that sometimes, other people look at you, look at your life, and see things as "perfect" or that you have it "easy." Sometimes I have people tell me that it's cool I have this "other" life where I go around the city, shooting in alleys, parks, or whatever weird place I can find. That I can set up shoots with people and get pretty photos. That four days of the week I am Ms. Therapist. The other days sometimes I'm a photographer. People who aren't close to me don't know how hard I work to put together my shoots usually for free. How much I stress over things. How hard it is for me to ask people sometimes. How I'm too scared to submit my photos to magazines b/c I'm scared they will tell me I'm awful. So next time, I am out there, watching people at Venice Beach or a show, how just because at that second, maybe it looks like they have it all friends, fun, maybe inside they are hurting, or maybe they have had to try hella hard too to get where they are.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Cigarette by xlordashx
Cigarette, a photo by xlordashx on Flickr.

This photo was the inspiration of my wanting to do more relaxed,lounging around shoots. It just feels so much more natural.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This is too beautiful to imitate

I've been going out alot lately. And I 've been seeing so many interesting looking people. A part of me just wants to go up to them and be like hey, you would be wonderful to shoot. But then I would feel like a stalker or a creeper. Maybe one day though, i'll actually do it and see what kind of reaction I get. It could be a lesson in being more brave.