LordAsh Photography- Located in Woodland Hills, CA

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tell me do you like that?

I figured, maybe today was meant to be. The complications of today started 5 days ago, when I realized that I was on jury duty all "on call" all week. I knew I had set up a shoot for Friday, but in my head b/c I don't work on Fridays, then I couldn't do jury duty on Friday. Totally forgetting that the rest of the world doesn't work like I do. So there I was, thursday afternoon, calling the jury duty number, and crossing all of my crossable body parts so that I wouldn't have to go in. And YES! I didn't. Step 1. Then complication number two happened. I wrote the model to verify the shoot. No answer. Wait. Wait. Wait. There I am, 7 am Friday morning, wondering what on earth to do. I knew there was a chance she couldn't come b/c of transportation, but she never told me whether her transportation worked out or not. So, thanks to an early morning like on facebook, I knew that the lovely Jenie was awake at some early hour of the morning. I text her, once again crossing all of my crossable body parts, are you available today? And YES. She was. Two hours later, we were pulling into Griffith park ready to get styled and shot. I feel like it took all of my faith to make today work out and it did. Sometimes, positive things happen. I have been very fortunate this week and I hope that all of my hard work continues to pay off. So until tomorrow. =)

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