LordAsh Photography- Located in Woodland Hills, CA

Monday, June 27, 2011

CONTEST: Retro-graphy

I've been wanting to do a contest for a while now. I just didn't know what kind of contest I wanted to do. I was looking up different magazine submissions the other week, when I saw one looking for retro photos. I realized that I couldn't think of any photos that would fit the bill. That's where you guys (and girls) come in. I need inspiration. And you will be my inspiration.

The Prize:
A wonderful purple fish eye lomography camera. It's a film camera that takes fun photos. Perfect for the summer time. To learn more about Lomography go here.

The Rules:
1. To be elgible you will need to be either a follower of this here blog. That means you click the lovely follow button on the side of the page. Or you LIKE my page on facebook.

2. I will mail the prize where ever, so all is invited to participate.

3. The contest will end at 8pm pacific time on July 4, 2011.

4. Prize will be picked through random drawing.

The Challenge:
To be considered for the prize, you will have to take a photo of something or someone that screams RETRO to you. You can use your camera phone, digital camera, film, whatever. As long as it's considered photography. You will either attach the photo or send me the link to the photo. You can send the photo to my comments here on the blog or on my facebook (on the wall or through message).

Remember that you don't need to be a photographer to participate. This is just something that's supposed to be FUN. So have fun!! I'm super excited to see the photos.


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