LordAsh Photography- Located in Woodland Hills, CA

Monday, February 21, 2011

You just gotta fight

Have you ever just wanted more? You try and try and try, but the results are always the same. You ask and you ask and you ask, but the results are always the same. It's like you just get this loud screaming no. And you just don't know where to go from there. You can't give up though. That's what they want. They want for you give up. I won't. But that doesn't mean the no's don't hurt. It just means I need to try harder.

So this is Scipio. We've shot more times than I can even keep track of. He always has creative ideas. I just show up and shoot. He tells me when I see him what we're doing. And I have to be prepared. Because you never know, there could be a horse involved. or a security guard threatening us with a gun. Or getting kicked out of the Santa Monica pier. Hmmm. Maybe he's a bad influence. Anyways, he's always trying to be funny and I just use my wonderful sarcasm back. So his look in this shoot kind of varies from high sophicated fashion to rocker. Enjoy!

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