LordAsh Photography- Located in Woodland Hills, CA

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ransom my Heart

Once upon a time, there was a young woman. Let's call her Nikki. Nikki was at the beach in the land of blondes and diet pills. She was having a jolly old time when Nikki and her friends noticed something on the beach. "Oh what's that?!" They run over. It's a camera. Let's look at the photos, maybe they'll have some naked photos on the memory card. The camera didn't have naked photos, but it did have files from an indie movie. Nikki and her friend decided, hey, let's put this camera on ransom, that way maybe we can get a part in this movie. How cool would that be? So Nikki and her friend made a ransom video.

The film makers responded back. She returned the camera expecting never to hear from them again. Then...this showed up in her inbox.

This is the movie she made as her "audition" to prove to the director that she had what it took and could arise to the challenge.


Needless to say, our damsel got her part in the movie. Not only that, she also fell for the director of the film. And now our damsel has become the princess. Was the camera on the beach fate reaching out his strings so that our lovely lady could meet her prince charming and get her staring role? Maybe. Only the universe knows.

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